Greg&Juju, here is the famous and happy duet, that grew up in the vineyard.
Attention, these two like to laugh, and to be serious, to be secret then generous, full of life… like a good wine.
And believe us, there is joy in these wines!
The Domaine Robert Vic is an estate located in Preignes, separated from the Mediterranean by a small extinct volcano. This proximity to the seas has a moderating effect on the vineyards ensuring that complexity develops in the grapes during the ripening process. The winery is housed in a magnificent ancient castle dating back to Roman times, though most of the current building is Medieval. The Vic family is a fifth generation family producer making wines only from their own vineyards. Jerome Vic is now head of the business and his wife Aurélie the chief enologist. The winery maintains 160 hectares of vines on a variety of soils, including basalt, volcanic, clay and gravel. The old vines have roots that penetrate deep into the soil in search of scarce water. The berries mature through off the dark soils. Since 2006, the domaine has been certified under the QualEnvi, a certification system for small independent wineries designed to eliminate chemicals dangerous to human health, ensure ecological sustainability and protect soils while, at the same time, striving for the highest quality product.
蚂蚁兄妹桃红葡萄酒 GREG&JUJU ROSE
黑皮诺Pinot Noir/ 歌海娜Grenache
1965年随着一枚犁铧在普雷涅出土,一座名为“普雷克扎诺姆别墅”(villa preixanum ),建于公元804年的古罗马别墅得以重见天日。出土的双耳尖底瓮碎片证明早在公元前804年,当地就已经开始大量种植葡萄。这座名副其实的小型堡垒于1202年由佩泽纳斯子爵(Vicomte de pezenas )建立是贝济耶地区最古老的城堡之一它完全用熔岩石建造,由数座不同时期建造的建筑物组成。
它原本就是一座防御性城堡,用来抵御敌人的进攻。1355年,威尔士亲王对朗格多克发起猛攻,但普雷涅却在城墙保护下,成功对抗黑太子(Prince noir )的袭击,安然无恙。
在随后几个世纪里,城堡建筑历经数度调整。历史上曾有无数名人曾在此居住,据传西蒙·德·蒙福尔(Simon de montfort )之子阿莫里·德·蒙福尔(Amaury de Montfort )曾下榻于此。
罗伯特·维克( RobertVic)的曾外祖父弗朗索瓦·贝尔荣(Francois Bergon )于1905年收购了酒庄。
从1968年开始, 现任庄主的祖父乔治·维克(Georges vic )与几位儿子决定探索提高酒庄产品质量的良策。他们决定加强西拉和歌海娜等小产量葡萄的种植。
自2003年起,为获得QUALENVI (独立葡萄酒庄联盟环保质量)认证,酒庄致力于从葡萄种植、采摘、压榨、酿制及灌装全过程的优质监管行动。并于2006年5月通过认证。